Emotional attachement gains life-long clients

Any marketer can point out the fact that emotion is directly linked to brand engagement. But it proved to be a tough job to scientifically prove exactly how the emotional universe works related to the brands and repeated aquisitions.

In 2000 Gallup conducted a study to prove that emotions are measurable indicators in engaging brands.  The objective was to deliver a standard for future research. So the study was made based on eleven criteria. The result of the extensive study showed a pyramid of emotions that brands with the most life-long clients aspire to.

In Married to the Brand  , William J. Mc Ewen Phd (2008, p. 91) explains that the emotional attachement has four perceptual components. These are Trust, Integrity, Pride, Passion, they are equally important and they are based on the continous experience of the client related to the products and services of a company.

Trust and Integrity are the basis of building a relationship with the brand. These represent the consumer’s convictions regarding brand performance and the company’s ability to raise to the level of the brand promise, even when things are not going so well.  These first two items are also about how a company relates and talks to its clients.

The upper levels of the pyramid reflect another important element – how a company’s behavior interacts with people’s feelings.  When a consumer reaches the Pride level you can say that the brand managed to build a real long-lasting relationship with this person.

The Gallup study also gives some guidelines concerning the important factors to build this emotional attachement:


Emotional engagement makes a satisfied client come back for more of your products/services. Based on studies like this reminders and e-mail nurturing campaigns were created. Emotions are the same and new tools to touch the audience appear each day.

The statistics show that a 5% increase in life-long customers ratio translates in a 25% – 95% increase in profit margins. Entrepreneurs should include keeping the current audience and increasing brand attachement efforts among their development priorities.

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