The task on this project was to generate a medium-high brand for the Romanian Market. Edf Man a worldwide sugar trader was looking to expand its line of products FMSG (fast-moving consumer goods).
The research on the local market showed rather dull brands with Scotti brands dominating the market. This is how the rice shelf looks like in one of the biggest retailers’ stores.
The Concept
We generated a concept to address families and keep the playful childish spirit. (In Romania many recall rice and milk as a traditional homemade food in their childhood).
We used several personas to express the shape of the bean.
The rice bean becomes a cheerful cartoon – Bob
The creative team at Syncreate created a brand with characteristic of an innocent and jester person.
We wanted the brand to be optimistic, pure and wholesome. Fratii Bob (Bob brothers) promotes joy, harmony, fulfillment and life’s simple pleasures. Ever cheerful, they embrace light heartedness and express childlike wonder and faith in possibilities.c They brand also has the next traits: fun, social, lighthearted, spontaneous. Bob Brothers advocate not taking anything too seriously and poke fun to draw attention to the joys of everyday life.
The Packaging
In the image above we put together Little Bean ( Bob cel Mic), Round Bean (Bob cel Rotund), Long Bean (Bob cel Lung), Elegant Bean (Bob cel Elegant).
This is a broken rice mock-up for a plastic bag – a common packaging for rice on the Romanian market.